The CF Music Senior guitar ensemble was first formed, along with the Junior Guitar Ensemble in 2002. It has been active ever since, playing a diverse range of music, from Classical to popular music arrangements.

Chris Ackland, the current Musical Director, was the Director for 8 of the first 9 years and returned to lead the ensemble in 2023.

In the recent past, the ensemble members have played concerts in The All Nations Centre, Barry Memorial Hall and were delighted to be guest artists at the Barry Male Voice Choirs annual Showcase.

Several players are members of the National Youth Guitar Ensemble with one member touring Germany with their Camerata Ensemble. Several members also won Gold and Silver medals at this years Urdd Eisteddfod for both Solo and Ensemble playing.

The ensemble is open to all Classical Guitar players of Secondary School age, who have reached grade 3 level. We normally perform 3 -4 concerts per year.

The Junior Guitar Ensemble has been run by its current conductor, Daniel Whitting, since 2023 after having directed the Senior Ensemble since 2016. The Junior Ensemble is aimed at pupils from school years 3-8. Many players go on to join the Senior Ensemble, with past members having gone on to study guitar at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and Birmingham Conservatoire.

We welcome members from Year 3 to Year 8 who can play and read an octave of notes (the end of The Guitarist’s Way Book 1). The ensemble uses notation so is unfortunately unable to accommodate pupils who read guitar TAB. Ideally pupils should be playing a nylon string guitar.

See below for the guitar ensembles’ timetable for 2024 to 2025.

Ensemble GroupRehearsal Sessions:Day of the WeekProposed DateTimes (from – to)Rehearsal or Concert Venue Details
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 1Monday16 September 20246.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 2Monday23 September 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 3Monday30 September 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 4Monday7 October 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 5Monday14 October 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 6Monday21 October 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 7Monday4 November 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 8Monday11 November 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 9Monday18 November 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 10Monday25 November 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 11Monday2 December6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 12Monday9 December6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 13Monday13 January 20256.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 14Monday20 January 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 15Monday27 January6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 16Monday3 February6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 17Monday10 February 6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 18Monday17 February6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 19Monday3 March6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 20Monday10 March6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 21Monday17 March6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 22Monday24 March6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 23Monday31 March6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 24Monday28 April6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 25Monday12 May6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 26Monday19 May6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 27Monday2 June6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 28Monday9 June6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 29Monday16 June6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 30Monday23 June6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Junior & Senior GuitarRehearsal 31Monday30 June6.30 to 8.00pmChapter
Senior Guitars ONLYConcert 1Tuesday3 December 2024Christmas Showcase – The All Nations
Junior Guitars ONLY Concert 1Monday9 December 2024Christmas Showcase – Whitchurch High School
Junior Guitars ONLYConcert 2Thursday3 April 2025Spring Festival Showcase – Whitchurch High School
Junior & Senior GuitarConcert 3Wednesday2 July 2025Barry Memo Summer Showcase Concert – at 6.30pm

Conductor Biography

Chris Ackland

Chris Ackland graduated from the Royal Academy of Music. He then went on to teach at both Reading and Swansea University alongside teaching in several private schools in the 1980s and early 90s. He then opened his own Guitar school in the mid 1990s and also examined for the Welsh College of Music and Drama, as well as being secretary for the South Wales Guitar Society.

In the late 1990s he started working for CCVG Music Service (now CF Music Education) and, apart from a brief spell with Glamorgan Music School, has been there ever since.

Daniel Whitting

Daniel began learning guitar at the age of 8. During his early teens, he developed a wide range of both electric and classical guitar styles under the tutelage of Steve Nicholls, and later with Alex Hutchings (Steven Wilson, Roland EU). 

Daniel began teaching in 2008 and teaches both electric and classical guitar, as well as ukulele and bass guitar. In 2014, he was involved in the introduction of a new set of Ukulele grades for the Registry of Guitar Tutors exam board. He got his teaching diploma in 2011, and in 2021 achieved his postgraduate certificate in plucked string tuition under Helen Sanderson and Professor Laura Ritchie at the University of Chichester. He has also conducted many ensembles at venues including St David’s Hall and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. 

He has a wealth of playing experience and regularly plays in pits for musical theatre productions, as well as with Skite Ceilidh band for functions and weddings. He is also a member of fiddle player David Grubb’s band, playing both on his albums and live shows.